ResponsibleSteel™ welcomes Turkish steel company BDC into Membership

BDC is a steel mill located in the midwest of Turkey with a production set up of induction furnaces, ladle furnace, CCM and rolling mill to produce rebar for building industries. Actual production per annum is 350,000 Tons.
Muammer BILGIC, Managing Director says “We are excited to enter a new challenging period in the history of this very young steel company” he went on to say “BDC is honoured to be a member of the ResponsibleSteel family and hopes to make a contribution to the industry’s sustainability future from our own country.”
BDC is dedicated to recycling, and committed to designing a complete steel production chain that has minimum impact on the environment and a positive impact on society. This minimum impact is not a fixed set of red lines to BDC, effects are not limited by any regulation, public acknowledgement, or common rules. As a scrap steel recycler, all parameters of interrelations of BDC’s activities chain are always subject to internal scrutiny and re-evaluation to refine our knowledge, to better understand what we can do to establish ongoing progress in our development.
Being a member of ResponsibleSteel will force us to prove our ethical and environmental commitments. Zero waste is not a marketing trick, it is a fundamental target for BDC. Responsibility educates, we are ready to be taught by our responsibilities and fulfil its requirements. We are in the era in which we should say ‘new words’ to protect our World.”
We are delighted to welcome BDC into ResponsibleSteel as a Business Member. BDC are our first member based in Turkey. We very much hope that BDC’s decision to join ResponsibleSteel will pave the way for other businesses working in the Turkish steel sector to engage with us” said Ali Lucas, Executive Director – ResponsibleSteel.
“We are very much looking forward to learning from BDC through our various membership workstreams and projects, and hope that they will also benefit from engagement with our organisation as well as our other members.”