A multi-stakeholder initiative
Our members are at the heart of what we do. We believe a multi-stakeholder forum for discussion and collaboration is crucial to driving the creation of a responsible steel value chain.
Membership Categories

Business members
Steelmaking members are the backbone of ResponsibleSteel. It is their commitment to getting sites certified that drives our mission. But they cannot do it without the support and buy-in of the entire value chain. We need to drive change at every step of the journey. That’s why our membership includes businesses from across the steel value chain, from suppliers of raw materials to end users of steel.

Civil society members
Alongside business members, civil society members are key to the development of our standards and other workstreams. They include organisations with social and environmental missions as well as trade unions, giving local communities and workers a voice in what responsibility looks like for steel and ensuring we are always working to protect both people and the planet.

Businesses and civil society organisations are invited to join as full members of ResponsibleSteel. Organisations that are not eligible for full membership but wish to show their support for ResponsibleSteel are invited to join as associates. Our associates include governmental organisations, trade associations, standards bodies, conformity assessment bodies, and academic institutions.