Decarbonising South Korean Steel: Aligning Customer Demand and Production Pathways

On Thursday March 23rd, the SteelZero, ResponsibleSteel and Solutions for Our Climate (SFOC) will be hosting a special multi-stakeholder industry seminar in Seoul to discuss decarbonisation of the steel industry and pragmatic solutions to tackle climate change.

The event will bring together industry experts, businesses across the steel value chain, investors, and civil society to share their expertise on steel decarbonisation pathways and discuss the most effective and pragmatic routes to rapid decarbonisation, technical breakthroughs and the role companies across the steel value chain can play to support the growing sustainable steel market in South Korea.

South Korea’s steel industry is a major domestic industrial and economic sector, and a dominant player on the world stage. In 2021, South Korea ranked as the world’s 6th largest steel-producing country, with 71.4 million tons of crude steel accounting for a 3.8% share of global production. Additionally, the South Korean steel industry is an important material supplier for major related industries such as automotive, construction and shipbuilding, with a huge inter-industrial linkage.

The event will feature an important exchange of ideas between key global and Korean industry players across the steel value chain. Momentum on steel decarbonisation is expected to continue building in the coming months, with the annual SteelZero Summit set to take place in Singapore on June 8, as part of the broader Climate Group Asia Action Summit. The Summit will focus on bringing together decision makers and business leaders from the steel and energy sectors to accelerate Asia’s role as an economic, green powerhouse – with a clear path to net zero. It’s part of the roadmap to Climate Group’s flagship event Climate Week NYC.

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