An update from Matthew Wenban-Smith

A reflection from Matthew Wenban-Smith on his time as Executive Director:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I started working for ResponsibleSteel at the end of 2016, with a remit to review the work that had been completed to date on the establishment of the programme, and to propose ways forward.  Three years later I am delighted to be passing on the management of that programme to Ali Lucas, my successor as ResponsibleSteel Executive Director.

I will continue to work for ResponsibleSteel as its Policy and Standards Director, along with my colleague Marnie Bammert in her expanded role as Assurance and Technical Director.

I would like to take a moment though to thank you all – members and non-members alike, and my board and colleagues on the secretariat team – for your help, encouragement and support over the last three years.

ResponsibleSteel is now an active collaboration of more than 60 member organisations, including leading mining companies, steelmakers, car makers, construction companies, civil society organisations, assurance bodies, consultancies and business associations – all committed to maximising steel’s contribution to a sustainable society.  Together, we have developed the world’s first multi-stakeholder approved standard for responsible steelmaking, and we have launched an assurance programme to identify and support steelmakers who meet that standard.

And the most important word is ‘we’.  I am proud to say that ResponsibleSteel is a genuine multi-stakeholder organisation.  We work by bringing diverse organisations together, to create value that our members cannot achieve on their own: business value for our business members, and social and environmental impact for our civil society members and supporters.

There’s a long way to go, but we have made a start, and it has been a privilege to be involved.  I wish Ali all the best in her new role.

And finally – if you believe in what we are doing, and are not yet a ResponsibleSteel member – what are you waiting for?

With my very best regards,  and best wishes in these difficult times,


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