First certified steelmaking site in Latin America announced: ArcelorMittal Tubarão, Brazil

ResponsibleSteel has awarded the world’s first certification to a steelmaking site in Latin America. ArcelorMittal Tubarão is the first industrial plant in Latin America to receive the sustainability certification for its operations.
Ali Lucas, acting CEO for Responsible Steel, said “The steel sector has been strongly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and its recovery is essential to the region. But growth cannot, and should not, occur at all costs. For this reason, being granted the first ResponsibleSteel certificate is extremely important. This is not an easily achieved accomplishment and the highlights of the sector are not focused only on decarbonization processes but also on the respect for human rights, labour rights and local communities always ensuring that health and safety remain a priority and focusing on the larger spectrum of ESG principles. The importance of a responsible steel supply chain is in line with the Latin America stakeholders, who know very well the connections between mining and steel production. This is the reason why a responsible supply chain will become an important and growing part of the ResponsibleSteel certification process. We applaud ArcelorMittal Tubarão on this momentous achievement.”
For more on ResponsibleSteel’s certification and Standards click here:
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